Qeridoo trailers

Qeridoo fahrradanhänger kaufen? Wir bieten Sie alle Modelle an Qeridoo Speedkid, Qeridoo Sportrex, Qeridoo, Qeridoo Kidgoo oder Qeridoo Jumbo .... wir haben alles.
Überprüfen Sie die zusätzliche passenden Produkte für ihre Qeridoo kinderanhänger wie den Qeridoo Fahrrad Kupplung oder Qeridoo Regenschirm aus.

Qeridoo Sportrex 2...

Qeridoo Sportrex 2 practical like a buggy, but much more flexible than a stroller. Especially suitable for long bike rides, but much more than a bike trailer.

Price €528.50 Regular price €578.50

Qeridoo Sportrex 2...

Qeridoo Sportrex 2 practical like a buggy, but much more flexible than a stroller. Especially suitable for long bike rides, but much more than a bike trailer.

Price €528.50 Regular price €578.50

Qeridoo KidGoo 1 bike trailer

Child bicycle trailer for 1 child is narrower and fits through every door, every corridor and every shopping street. A single-seater is more manoeuvrable and more agile in motion, as it resembles the characteristics of a baby stroller.

Price €561.15 Regular price €661.15